Selective Mutism


Many children present as shy and choose where and with whom they will speak. Selective Mutism is, however, a childhood disorder demonstrated by an inability to speak in certain circumstances.

This webinar will:

– Review the criteria for diagnosis

– Consider possible causes

– Discuss behavioural characteristics

– Offer strategies for support

AITSL requirements met:

1.1 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of learners

1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of learners across the full range of abilities

4.2 Manage learning and teaching activities

This webinar has been specifically designed to assist educators in Early Childhood and School settings.

All registrations are per person and one certificate is issued per registration.


Our program facilitator Gail Preston has over 30 years’ experience in special education as a classroom teacher, specialist teacher, principal, academic and educational consultant. Gail has spoken at local, national and international conferences on various topics within the special education and inclusive practice fields.


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Please note webinars are available for 7 days from purchase

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