On Demand Webinars
Meet your professional learning needs at a time and place that's convenient for you.
All of the information delivered in our Live Webinars will be available for you to access on demand. (On Demand Webinars exclude live interaction with other participants or the presenter.)
Presented by Gail PrestonTransition for children with diverse learning needs: Primary to Secondary
AIRED ONWednesday Oct 21$100.00 (INC GST)The transition from primary to secondary school is a rite of passage and with managed preparation,young adolescents with additional learning needs can approach this major milestone with confidence.
This webinar will discuss:
– Structuring successful meetings
– Management strategies for both schools
– Understanding student needs
– Encouraging parent involvement
Presented by Gail PrestonTransition for children with diverse learning needs: Early Ed to Primary
AIRED ONTuesday Oct 20$100.00 (INC GST)Research has identified the transition to school as a time of potential challenge and stress for children and families. For families and children with diverse learning needs this can add another layer of stress.
This webinar will:
– Review what the research tells us
– Review ways to support the process of transition
– Identify further supports for students with additional learning needs
– Discuss academic and social success
Presented by Gail PrestonEngaging the Disengaged Student
AIRED ONTuesday Aug 4$50.00 (INC GST)Disengaged students can be particularly challenging and present in varying ways. By being able to identify the risk factors we can put strategies into place to re-engage our students and assist them to keep up with curriculum requirements.
This webinar will:
– Help you to identify the disengaged student
– Discuss the risk factors
– Offer strategies to support engagement
Presented by Gail PrestonPlay = Learning for children aged 1 to 5 years of age
AIRED ONWednesday Jul 29$50.00 (INC GST)Play is fundamental to a child’s learning and development. Play provides children with different cognitive, sensory, physical and social and emotional experiences.
This webinar will:
– Explore the links between play, learning and development
– Identify the expectations for developmental levels
– Present practical activities to encourage development
Presented by Gail PrestonAdjusting the Individual Learning Plan for COVID-19
AIRED ONWednesday May 20$50.00 (INC GST)Interruptions to student’s face to face learning with teachers may require adjustments to Individual learning Plans. This webinar will provide key points to help you review current plans, offer a checklist to guide you through the process and a 2020 revised template to support student learning.
This webinar will:
– Identify what an ILP is and the purpose of the plan
– Review the impact of COVID-19 on the plan
– Review the SMART Goal process- what is achievable
– Provide support documents
Presented by Gail PrestonCommencing school post COVID-19 and supporting students
AIRED ONThursday May 21$50.00 (INC GST)The scale of disasters experienced this summer has been unprecedented for Australia. Limited access for most students to the physical school environment due to the Coronavirus fears, can have immediate and long-term implications on the mental health of young people. This webinar will provide you with information to support transition back to school, build student resilience and support you and colleagues in these unprecedented times.
This webinar will:
– Discuss ways to listen and talk with students
– Discuss behaviour prompts that might signal more help is needed
– Managing emotional distress
– Discuss strategies to support staff
Presented by Gail PrestonWhat is Autism Spectrum Disorder & how does it affect students?
AIRED ONThursday Feb 13$50.00 (INC GST)Research, student and parent feedback have identified that students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder may experience some form of educational restriction. For this reason we need to be informed of the complexities of ASD.
This webinar will:
– Review the criteria for diagnosis
– Discuss each area of criteria and how it relates to your students
– Look at possible areas of comorbidity
– Suggest strategies to support learning
Presented by Gail PrestonStudent Support Group Meeting: Preparation & Facilitation
AIRED ONTuesday Feb 11$50.00 (INC GST)Student Support Group meetings set the scene for successful collaboration with families and are a critical process to plan for student success.
This webinar will:
– Discuss the purpose of the meeting
– Provide a framework to structure the meeting
– Discuss how to ensure the meeting is inclusive
– Provide a template to guide your planning and implementation
Presented by Gail PrestonSchool Refusal
AIRED ONThursday Nov 7$50.00 (INC GST)School refusal can be the result of separation anxiety, social anxiety, performance anxiety or anxiety related to test taking, athletic competition, or academic difficulties.
This webinar will:
– Identify the warning signs
– Discuss strategies of support
– Discuss partnering with parents
Presented by Gail PrestonIncluding children with ASD
AIRED ONTuesday Oct 29$50.00 (INC GST)By understanding how Autism Spectrum Disorder impacts the thinking, learning and behaviour of children with ASD we can be more inclusive of their needs.
This webinar will:
– Discuss an evidence based approach to support students with ASD
– Discuss traditional teaching methods and how these can exclude students with ASD
Presented by Gail PrestonEarly Education: Separation Anxiety
AIRED ONWednesday Oct 23$50.00 (INC GST)Many children will experience separation anxiety in early childhood, this is normal and can occur when a child gets upset when separated from a parent or carer.
This webinar will:
– Help you understand and manage separation
– Understand the normal stages of developmental in young children
– Provide strategies to support the process
Presented by Gail Preston Disability: Understanding the Acts, Policy and Legislation
AIRED ONWednesday Aug 21$50.00 (INC GST)It is essential for all schools and organisational leaders to understand their legal responsibilities in regard to individual differences.
This webinar will discuss:
– The Disability Discrimination Act
– The Disability Standards for Education
– How to support Inclusive Education